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Лекция «Медвежья обрядность Приполярья: обновляя мир посредством ритуала»

28 Апр

28 апреля на площадке Института международных отношений и мировой истории Университета Лобачевского состоится вторая онлайн-встреча с известным специалистом по истории коренных народов Северной Америки и Сибири, профессором Эндрю Вигетом.

Тема выступления — «Медвежья обрядность Приполярья: обновляя мир посредством ритуала».

Начало встречи: 16:00 (по московскому времени).

Язык мероприятия — английский.

Слушателям рекомендуется предварительно ознакомиться с материалами, размещенными на сайте «Пробуждение медведя».

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Лекция организована в рамках совместной инициативы Института этнологии и антропологии РАН и Нижегородского государственного университета им. Н.И. Лобачевского на базе Центра междисциплинарных антропологических и социокультурных исследований.


The relationship between bears and humans is at the core of what are arguably some of the oldest forms of cultural activity. Throughout the circumpolar zone, the Bear is the principal other-than-human person, but across the North today bear ceremonial traditions have been threatened and in some cases extinguished. Since 2008 our work has been focused on the elaborate and highly developed bear ceremony of the Ob’-Ugrian Khanty and Mansi peoples of western Siberia for whom the situation was especially acute. Currently we are working with a grant from the US National Science Foundation to generate a broad, contemporary understanding of bear ceremony traditions across the North (see our site: https://eloka-arctic.org/bears?language=ru). This presentation will locate Ob’-Ugrian traditions among specific regional traditions in order to understand what these relationships suggest about the historical diffusion of “circumpolar bear ceremonialism” and the belief system it sustains. It will also report on the current status of these traditions and their role in indigenous cultural revival efforts. A principal reason for revisiting the subject of “bear ceremonialism” is that the topic still provokes some big questions of contemporary interest in three areas: histories, philosophies, and ecologies.

ANDREW WIGET, Professor Emeritus of New Mexico State University, worked for many years among American Indian communities. He is the author of numerous scholarly articles and books on American Indian oral traditions, and co-author with Olga Balalaeva of “Khanty, People of the Taiga: Surviving the Twentieth Century” (2010), based on their twenty years of Siberian ethnographic fieldwork together.

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